Scuba Diving Blogs

Scuba diving can be a passion, a hobby, or a life experience for many people. Because of the danger and challenges associated with scuba diving, many scuba divers have found that they either give up scuba diving altogether or take much safety and security into their own hands in order to pursue this activity. There […]
Scuba Diving for Treasure!

One of the most popular scuba diving vacations is scuba diving for treasure in the ocean. Scuba divers explore a limitless variety of interesting underwater formations that are difficult to access by land divers. Because scuba diving is done in bodies of water, such as oceans, there are many wrecks and military ship wrecks with […]
When is the Best Time to Catch a Hammerhead?

Malapascua is one of the most popular destinations for snorkelers and sailors alike. Every year thousands of visitors flood the area, some with the intention of catching a glimpse of the world’s largest hammerhead shark. Others just want to relax on one of the world’s best beaches. Whatever the reason for visiting the islands, the […]
Discover the Basics of Palao Diving

A little-known island off the coast of Costa Rica is Palao, which boasts of many world class diving sites. The island is home to several dive sites that include the renowned Queen Mary 2 and the sunken wreck of the USS Arizona. If you want to explore one of the world’s most popular marine sanctuaries, […]
Whales – Terror Among Men & Women

When most people think of a whale shark they usually visualize a massive fish with an elongated head and large forefoot that can be found lurking in the depths of a cold blue ocean. However, there are actually several different species of whale sharks including the common bull shark, which live in the warm temperate […]
Manta Ray – Perhaps One of the Most Unfortunate Fish in the Ocean

Like all other great ocean creatures, manta rays do have countershading colouration – bright red on the undersides and pale yellowish or white on their bellies. Like all other Great Ocean creatures, manta rays also have a dorsal fin (or ‘lance’) and lateral line – a series of narrow lines along the body that helps […]
Breathtaking Scenery of Raja Ampat Diving Site

Raja Ampat Diving is the name for the popular diving destination located in southwestern Rajasthan, India. It has witnessed regular visitation by tourists from all across the world. It is well-known for the rich coral reefs and other marine life, it houses. The rich coral reefs are home to a number of different species including […]
What to Consider When Buying a Deep Sea Diving Suit

When a person is preparing for deep sea diving, they will be prepared for many risks. Diving can be life threatening and could end up causing death if proper safety precautions are not taken. One of these things is wearing a proper diving suit that fits properly. The person needs to make sure that their […]
Essential Scuba Diving Gear – What You Need To Scuba Dive!

Scuba diving is an increasingly popular sport and recreational activity. For Scuba Diving classes, you can check out the PADI Pro diving school in Venice, California. There are also other schools in Hawaii, Japan and Mexico. This article deals with the Nitrox family of scuba diving regulator equipment. A short description of this type of […]
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Scuba Diving

There are many different types of scuba diving available to the public today. In this article, explore some of the advantages and disadvantages of each sport. For information, both free diving and scuba diving provide a unique perspective when exploring underwater. One of the most appealing reasons that people choose scuba diving or freediving is […]